The glossary contains definitions and explanations of industry-specific and scientific terminology used within Extractopedia. Click one of the letters above to find terms beginning with that letter.
The itchy, raised bump induced by the histamine response during skin testing. The size of the wheal can be recorded to indicate the outcome of the skin testing results.
w/v, weight to volume. A ratio of the weight of dry raw material per volume of extracting fluid, expressed in grams per mL or kg per L. For example, 1:10 w/v implies that one gram of dry allergenic material (e.g. pollen) was extracted in 10 mL of extracting solution. A 1:20 w/v extract is half the concentration of a 1:10 w/v extract, since the same amount of allergenic source material was extracted in twice the volume of extracting solution. w/v designation is used as a rough gauge of potency in non-standardized extracts.