Thank you for visiting our online tool dedicated to allergen extracts. This site is provided to all physicians, physician assistants, nurses, and health practitioners who use allergen extracts for allergy skin testing and allergen-specific immunotherapy.
Allergen extracts are a unique class of complex biologic materials, and working with them in an allergy practice is an essential craft to be mastered. Extractopedia is purposefully designed to provide basic guidance as well as technical support to help you better understand these products and deliver a high standard of care to your patients. Take some time to explore the website and discover the extensive information that is now at your fingertips.
Allergen extracts have a defined expiration which is printed on the product label. The expiration dates assigned have been carefully determined to help minimize potency differences between older and newer lots.
One of the primary objectives when mixing allergen extracts is to prepare a patient’s treatment set in a way that ensures a therapeutically effective dose for each allergen in the patient’s mix.
When ordering your allergen extracts, you will be asked to provide some basic information about your requested products. To ensure that your order is accurate and appropriate, you should take care in considering the following:
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